Would you sell that especially personal piece of real estate to an interested advertiser if you were strapped for cash? 如果你手头紧,而广告商对你的这块私有地盘感兴趣,你会考虑出售吗?
The term my executors as used in this Will shall include any duly acting personal representative or representatives of my estate. 我的执行人一词在此遗嘱中应包括任何适时行为的财产个人代表。
The video was discovered in the singer's personal collection and is thought to be the only copy of the performance, the estate said. 遗产委员会表示,该视频发现于杰克逊的藏品中,可能是此次演出的唯一录像。
Systematic Prevention of Cheating Personal Mortgage Loans in Real Estate Credits 住房信贷业务流程中假个人按揭的制度防范
So, the destiny of the mortgage loan of not merely personal house and destiny of the real estate are of close concern to each other; 所以,不仅个人住房按揭贷款的命运和房地产业与银行业的命运休戚相关;
Charles Darwin – the acclaimed naturalist Charles Robert Darwin is listed as having left a personal estate worth £ 146,911 ( around £ 13 million today) when he died in1882. 查尔斯·达尔文&这位受人爱戴的自然学家于1882年去世,留下了价值146911英镑(大约相当于现在的1300万英镑)的个人不动产。
A New Coagent in House-purchasing: Housing Loans for Personal Re-transactions Payment for our real estate may Be made in annual installments. 购房新帮手:个人再交易住房贷款购买本公司房产,房款可按年分期支付。
America requires a combination of higher personal, corporate, estate, net-worth and financial-transactions taxes, with better tax enforcement, to collect about 4 per cent of GDP more in federal revenues. 美国需要全面提高对个人、公司、遗产、资产净值和金融交易的征税,并改善税收执法,才能使联邦政府增加相当于gdp的4%左右的财政收入。
To the bank, it is more difficult to anticipate the market risk. The market risk of personal housing consumption loan directly comes from the real estate market and financial markets. 个人住房消费贷款市场风险直接来自于房地产市场和金融市场。
He divined that one of his enemy's purposes was to secure the personal property, as well as the estate. 他推测他的敌人目的之一就是取得他私人的财产以及田地。
The Personal Finance Real Estate Investment Model Based on the Speculative Demand 基于投机需求的个人融资投资房地产的模型
This paper makes a general probe into the different nation's attitudes to the personal estate and these nations and analyzes the conflicts between the traditional civil law and the personal estate s system. 针对大陆法系各国对动产抵押制度的态度及采纳该制度的国家做了一般性的考察,并就动产抵押制度在理论上对传统民法造成的冲击进行了必要的分析。
Because of information asymmetry, the personal rationality of property company and agent in real estate sale mode will lead to moral risk, and will trap them into "Prisoners 'Dilemma". 在房产商和房产代理人共同组成的房产销售模式中,由于信息不对称,委托代理双方利用个人理性决策会导致道德风险,并陷入囚徒困境。
And also the writer emphasized three innovative pawn business modes: Land mortgage, mortgage of apartments, and the house property mortgage business provided for personal real estate investor. 根据近几年典当行业的经营实践,分析了三个典当创新业务,即土地典当,开发商商品房典当和为个人投资者提供的房产典当。
The mortgage loan of personal house comes from real estate swift and violent market of development need and the need of getting profits. 个人住房按揭贷款的诞生,既源于房地产业迅猛发展的市场需要,又源于银行对新的利润增长点的内在需要。
Personal Communication Owner individual cares about and supports estate management positively, build together each beautiful home. 业主个人积极主动关心和支持物业管理,共建各自美好的家园。
For example, we should establish the system of personal credit, perfect the insurance of real estate and mortgage guarantee system, revise relevant laws and regulations, perfect relevant property relations and so on. 如建立个人信用体系,完善房地产保险、房地产抵押贷款担保体系,修改相关法律法规,完善相关产权制度等。
Second, Comparatively detailed analysis the concrete substances of personal financial, talking about the investment program, the real estate program, the education program, the insurance program the tax program, the retirement program, the inheritance program. 第二,比较详细地分析了个人财务规划的具体内容,分别讨论了投资规划、居住规划、教育规划、个人风险管理和保险规划、税务筹划、退休计划、遗产计划等内容;
Comparing with the personal instant messaging, enterprise instant messaging is undoubtedly a new estate. 相比起人们所熟悉的个人即时通讯,企业即时通讯无疑还是个新兴的产业。
As acquisition method of property right, acquisition prescription firstly applies to ownership, including personal estate and real estate. 取得时效作为财产权的取得方式,首先适用于所有权的取得,包括动产和不动产。
Personal estate tax subjected to great reforms and was identified as fixed tax finally. 动产税经历了较大改革,并最终被确定为固定税额的征收。
This paper has affirmed that in the double object of robbery crime, the main object is to infringe the property right, and the secondary object the personal right; invisible thing, real estate, illegal property, etc. can also become the target of robbery. 肯定了抢劫罪双重客体中,侵犯财产权利为主要客体,侵犯人身权利为次要客体;同时也阐述了无形物、不动产、非法财物等可以成为抢劫行为的对象。
According to the current situation of housing banking development in China, the activities of personal real estate loans fall into three major forms: one of them is personal real estate loan supported by policy; the other is commercial personal real estate loan. 从目前我国住房金融发展的实际情况来看,个人住房贷款业务主要有三种形式:其一是政策性个人住房贷款,其二是商业性个人住房贷款,其三是个人住房组合贷款。
Consumer credit is a personal and family used to meet personal needs ( except real estate mortgage) credit, and credit the opposite. 消费信贷是个人和家庭用于满足个人需求(房产抵押贷款例外)的信贷,与企业信贷相反。
Personal real estate loan is a financial product that was brought in during the transformation from the welfare housing allotment system to magnetization of housing allotment. This product refers to the loan made by the credit giver to the credit receiver for purchasing personal common real estate. 个人住房贷款是我国福利分房制度向住房分配货币化转变过程中引入的一种金融产品,它是指贷款人向借款人发放的用于购买自用普通住房的贷款。
Banks also favor personal real estate loan, which is characterized by low risk and high yield, for it ban help banks to adjust credit structures and improve assets quality. 个人住房贷款因低风险、高收益的特性而成为银行调整自身信贷结构、提高资产质量的新宠而倍受青睐。
In most developed countries, the governments generally set up a comprehensive, all-round tax system which consists of personal income tax, estate and gift tax, security tax to regulate income distribution. And personal income tax usually holds a dominant position in the whole tax system. 西方发达市场经济国家普遍建立了有个人所得税、遗产赠与税、社会保险税为核心的全方位、多层次收入分配税收调节体系,其中个人所得税在整个税收收入中占有相当大的比重。
In recent years, along with the personal investment in real estate continued to heat up, around the sustained high prices, the real estate enterprises to expand their interests, continue to invest a large number of real estate projects. 近年来,随着个人对房地产投资的热度持续高涨,各地房价持续走高,房地产企业为了扩大自身利益,不断投资大量的房地产项目。
The Chinese government has adopted a policy of encouraging both personal residential loans and commercial loans for the real estate developer in the recent years. The mortgage loans have been booming year after year. 近年来我国政府采取了鼓励个人住房信贷和房地产开发企业商业信贷的政策,按揭贷款业务逐年保持稳步上升的势头。